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a doctor's guide to health, weight,

& wellbeing

About Me

about dynamite health

I'm a practicing internal medicine doctor in Boston, and I started Dynamite Health as a health, weight loss, and wellness resource for my patients. Modern medicine, with all of our drugs, randomized controlled trials, and optimization of everything, is a wonder. But other parts of health are just as important, and we don't talk about them in the clinic. They're the things that make up our daily lives - our hundreds of little choices about food, exercise, sleep, screen use, alcohol, drugs, and more. This resource is a medical guide to these little things. I'm starting with a focus on food, weight, and nutrition because that's what my patients (and I'd argue all of us) need most. Welcome to Dynamite Health!


fiona gispen, m.d. m.s

stanford university b.a. m.s

johns hopkins school of medicine m.d.

mass general internal medicine pgy-3


Calorie Basics

A food calorie is a unit that measures the amount of energy in food and drinks. Our bodies need energy to function, but when we eat and...

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